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Most Popular Canon Scanners

No matter which model you choose, innovation and value come standard. That's because Canon scanners offer the kind of high-performance features that make converting paper documents easier. Like high-speed precision feeding technology, compact design, high-speed color capability and even flexible configuration options. And with so much advanced scanning technology to choose from, you're sure to find the imaging muscle you're looking for.

Canon dr-C240 scanner
Canon Scanner DR-C240

45 ppm/90 ipm
2 Year warranty
Canon dr-m260 scanner
Canon scanner DR-M260

60 ppm/120 ipm
5 Year Warranty
Canon dr-S250N scanner

50 ppm/100 ipm
3 Yr. Wty.
Network, USB
Canon dr-S350NW scanner

50 ppm/100 ipm
3 Yr. Wty.
Network, USB, Wi-Fi, 4.3" screen

ScanFront 400 scanner

Canon ScanFront 400

Stand Alone Network Scanner
45 ppm/90 ipm

Canon dr-g2110 scanner
Canon DR-G2110 Scanner

110 ppm/220 ipm
500 Page Feeder

These are the most popular Canon scanners our customers ask for.

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