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WideTEK 36F
A 24x36 Inch Large Format Flatbed Scanner

WideTEK 36F Inch flatbed Scanner
Scan Area 24" x 36"
Color CIS Cameras
Full Color 600 dpi scans in 6 seconds.
Scan up to 2" thick or remove the lid!

WideTEK 36F
a 24" x 36"
Large Format Flatbed Scanner

  • Scans up to 24" x 36" area
  • Full Color 600 dpi scans in 6 seconds
  • CIS Line Sensor Cameras
  • Up to 1200 DPI output
  • Scratch resistant glass plate
  • Standalone device with its own internal PC
  • Scan to Network or USB
  • Stand Included
  • Optional 22" Touchscreen
Base Bundle
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WideTEK 36F Flatbed Scanner

Professional Color Flatbed Scanner

WideTEK 36F is the newest addition to the Image Access family of large format flatbed scanners. Incorporating the latest camera technology and illumination techniques, it is not only extremely fast but also scans highly accurately at resolutions up to 1200 dpi but is still an affordable solution.

By far the fastest CIS flatbed scanner on the market, WideTEK 36F completes a full 600dpi color scan of the entire area in 6 seconds. During those few seconds, the image is compressed and sent over the network, all while the competitors product is still working on its 200dpi scan. The 1200dpi resolution provides details of the scanned document not even visible to the human eye.

WideTEK 36F features a solid glass (scratch resistant) plate protecting the scanner from being exposed to dirt and dust, wet ink or paint, or any other objects. Because the glass top extends from edge to edge, it allows scanning of oversized objects and supports thicker objects with the adjustable height of the lid. You can raise up the lid and readjust the stops to a higher position. This way you can scan a canvas or any other thicker object of up to five cm or two inches. The lid can easily be completely removed. The scanning portion of the glass is practically invisible due to its anti-reflection coating. Cleaning is a snap and special treatment for high scratch resistance ensures a long lifetime of the scanning glass.

True Color Space

The color space of the WideTEK 36F is much wider than SRGB and the output can also be set to Adobe RGB or native RGB. Our unique online ICC profiling eliminates the last remaining imperfections.

The virtual rescan function eliminates the need to physically rescan documents. Almost all scanning parameters can be changed on the fly and the results can be seen instantly on the built-in touchscreen or on the optional external monitor.

Scan Nearly Anything

The WideTEK 36F can scan nearly anything: from business cards to diagrams, books, newspapers, maps, construction drawings, bound documents and more. The new scratch resistant, non-reflective borderless glass platen prevents bent edges on source documents.

A 24"x36" flatbed that fits in your office.
WT36F 24x36 flatbed

You can connect the scanner to your network, and use a PC to control the scanner across your network via ANY browser.

WT36F 24x36 flatbed

The 36F can be placed on a large table as well. It can be accessed across a network via any browser and scanned images can be transferred to any network folder or to the local USB port on the scanner.

The scanner uses its own internal PC, running Linux OS, it does not require another PC to be operated. You would either purchase the touchscreen option, or access/control the scanner over a network.

Key Features
  • Scans up to 24"x36"
  • Fast color scanning at 6 seconds @ 600 dpi
  • 1200 x 1200 dpi scanner resolution
  • Automatic crop and deskew
  • Real time display of scanned images, modify images without rescanning
  • Standalone device with its own Linux PC
  • Scan2USB -- Walk up Scanning to any USB device via USB 3.2
  • Scan2Network -- Output to network resources, SMB, FTP
  • Output formats: PDF, PDF/A, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, multipage PDF and TIFF, DICOM and many more
  • Supports SRGB, Adobe RGB, native color spaces
Other Features
  • LED lamps, no warm up, IR/UV free
  • User interface configurable in many languages
  • Virus resistant Linux OS
  • OS independent, runs with Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, Linux, Mac
  • ScanWizard uses any browser: IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox
  • Remote maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Firmware updates via web interface
  • Dust-free camera technology
  • Exceeds FADGI (3 star) guidelines, Metamorfoze light, ISO 19264-1
  • Scratch resistant glass plate
  • Batch Scan Wizard -- Software option for high volume scanning and indexing
  • Foot Switch -- Hands-free hardware option for batch scanning
  • Full Coverage Warranty -- Up to 5 years for full coverage warranty

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