Flatbed scanners of all sizes!!
ScanTastik carries the complete line of flatbed scanners for your document imaging needs. From such well know industry names like Canon, Epson, Ricoh, Kodak and more, we have the flatbed scanner your looking for. These scanners are not the ones you buy at the local office store. They are designed to provide high quality images at faster speeds. Please use the tabs below to find the flatbed scanner that meets your needs.
Letter Size Flatbed Scanners All of the flatbed scanners listed below have letter size (8.5"x11") flatbeds. Flatbeds with CCD Camera arrays yield much higher quality images than CIS camera based scanners, and therefore cost more. You'll get what you pay for.
Give ScanTastik a call at 1-800-977-4935 for help in deciding
Legal Size Flatbed Scanners All of the flatbed scanners listed below have legal size (8.5"x14") flatbeds. The Canon and Kodak desktop models have attachable flatbeds that can be purchased as an accessory.
Give ScanTastik a call at 1-800-977-4935 for help in deciding
Kodak s2050
50/100 ipm
legal size flatbed
3 yr. wty.
Kodak s2070
70/140 ipm
legal size flatbed
3 yr. wty.
DR-G2110 110/220 ipm
(11x17 ADF & legal flatbed)
500 Page ADF $5216
DR-G2140 140/280 ipm
(11x17 ADF & legal flatbed)
500 Page ADF $7626
11"x17" Size Flatbed Scanners All of the flatbed combo scanners listed below have A3 size (11"x17") flatbeds. The Canon and Kodak scanners have attachable 11"x17" flatbeds that can be purchased as an accessory.
Give ScanTastik a call at 1-800-977-4935 for help in deciding
Kodak s2050
50/100 ipm
11x17 Flatbed Accy.
3 yr. wty.
Kodak s2070
70/140 ipm
11x17 Flatbed Accy.
3 yr. wty.
Epson ds-60000
CCD Camera Array 40/80 ipm
(11x17 ADF & flatbed) $2999
3 yr. wty.
ds-70000 CCD Camera Array 70/140 ipm
(11x17 ADF & flatbed) $3999
3 yr. wty.
13000XL CCD Camera Array 12"x17" flatbed (only) 1 yr. wty.
DR-G2090 90/180 ipm
(11x17 ADF & Flatbed Accy.) 300pp. ADF
DR-G2110 110/220 ipm
(11x17 ADF & Flatbed Accy.) 500pp. ADF
DR-G2140 140/280 ipm
(11x17 ADF & Flatbed Accy.) 500pp. ADF
Kodak s3120 Max
120/240 ipm
(11x17, 500 pp. ADF) 11x17 Flatbed Accessory DDC 45K
Kodak s3140 Max
140/280 ipm
(11x17, 500 pp. ADF) 11x17 Flatbed Accessory DDC 45K
Large Format Flatbed Scanners Large format flatbed scanners are greater than 11"x17" in their scan area. Some use CIS camera arrays and other use CCD camera arrays. CCD camera arrays yield the highest quality images with the greatest number of pixels per "dot", which makes these scanners highly desirable for scanning photos and artwork.
High end, professional, large format flatbed scanners
13000XL 2400 dpi Optical
CCD Camera Array
12.2"x17.2" flatbed
Opt. Transparency
300dpi scan @ 22 sec.
WideTEK 12
12.5"x18.5", 1200 dpi
CCD Camera Array, 3D scans
Opt. backlite for film, negatives, x-rays
300dpi scan @ 3 sec.
WideTEK 12 Spectrum
12.5x18.5, 1200 dpi
Includes backlite for film,
negatives, x-rays.
UV, VIS, IR, 3D and
Hollerith scanning
300dpi scan @ 3 sec.
Contex IQ Flex 18"x24"
CIS array
1200 dpi True Optical
200dpi scan @ 6 sec.
WideTEK 24F
CIS array
Edgeless flatbed, removable lid
1200 dpi True Optical
300dpi scan @ 4 sec.
WideTEK 25
1200 dpi True Optical
CCD Camera Array, 3D scans
Opt. backlite for film, x-rays
300dpi scan @ 3 sec.
WideTEK 36F 24"x36"
CIS array
1200 dpi True Optical
Stand Included
600dpi scan @ 6 sec.
Large Format Artwork Scanners Large format artwork scanners are great for large objects and items that will not scan well on a flatbed. Art Scanners use the highest quality CCD camera arrays. The material lays flat on a table that moves under the scanner cameras. CCD camera arrays yield the highest quality images with the greatest number of pixels per "dot", which makes these scanners highly desirable for scanning artwork. These scans can produce a 3D effect to show the "depths" of grooves, paints and other raised surface items.
Prices do NOT include freight shipping, installation or extended warranties.